Benson’s activities for 2023
Out Door Movie Nights Weather Permitting
Memorial Day May 27th
July 4th Weekend July 1st
Alien Weekend July 22nd
Pirate Weekend August 12th
Labor Day Weekend September 2nd
Don’t forget to sign up for our Fishing contest for adults and children. It runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
May 24 - 27th: 🧨 Memorial Day weekend 🧨
Sat 28th - Annual Toilet Seat Toss Tournament.
Outdoor Movie Night May 29th
June 1st: 💲Rummage Sale/ Vendor Sale💲
(Norwex, Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, etc..)set a display up on your site.
A list will be in the office so you can find those participating.
June 15th 🥘 Casserole Contest 🥘
Let's get together with other campers, socialize
and choose a winner of some great food.
July 4th - 7th🎆 Happy Independence Day 🎆
July 4th Patriotic Parade
July 6th - Annual Horseshoe Tournament and the boat parade decorate your boats - Judging will take place on the beach
More information when we get closer to the date.
July 19th -21st👽 Alien Weekend 👽
Decorate your Campsite, For Chance to Win a Prize
Find all of the aliens around in the campground.
July 26th - 28th:🎄 Christmas in July 🎄
Decorate your Campsite, For Chance to Win a Prize
Aug. 3rd:🍫 Candy Bar Bingo Night 📉
Aug. 16th - 17th: ☠️ Pirate Weekend ☠️
Build your own cardboard boat and make it float, we will be by the beach.
Sept. 7th:🚐 Annual Seasonal Camper Party 🚐
🚐 Theme Revealed later 🚐
Sept. 21st: 🍲Soup Cook Off 🍲
You Choose The Winner.
Oct. 15th: 😢Season Closes😢
Some Events May be Added Check Back Here to see Changes
and Any New Postings
Benson’s activities for 2023
Out Door Movie Nights Weather Permitting
Memorial Day May 27th
July 4th Weekend July 1st
Alien Weekend July 22nd
Pirate Weekend August 12th
Labor Day Weekend September 2nd